Wild Earth BTU STWC Feb Training Camp Recap. Standard Entries are Now Open.

BOOM! What a start to the Wild Earth BTU STWC Training Camps! We just had our 1st of five Wild Earth BTU STWC Training Camps yesterday, and we all had a ball.

We had two groups of 20 yesterday, checking out the new BTU30 course, including coaches and support crew, to look after our entrants, with multiple stops along the way prepared for the forecast heat wave. Instead, we had perfect trail running conditions with a little rain to cool us down and cloud cover the whole time.

THANK YOU 🙏 Wild Earth, trail running store, for the AMAZING 🤩 Goodie bags with Wild Earth Drawstring bag, Wild Earth headscarf, Wild Magazine, Dynamite Treat, PLUS a “Spend $150.00 receive $25.00 Off Gift 🎁 Voucher.”

Hammer Nutrition Australia provided LOADS of Hammer Gel Samples, Hammer Bars, and Hammer Fizz, their Secrets of Success SOS Handbook, and the Sports Nutrition Guide book, with Hammer Discount Code (BTU).

Red Bull Energy Drink Australia also supported the day with their new flavours to try on course. We like to dilute it by 50% with water in our soft flasks.

Bush Heritage Australia (BHA)provided the SUPER CUTE and much loved 🥰 Koala 🐨 Socks. $3.00 of your entry goes directly to BHA to help restore Australia’s wild places to good health.

We threw in a Headskinz plus a BTU STWC hand-held water bottle.


Full of beans and ready to have a ball.

BTU Race Director Shona and BTU110 Winner 2020 Hayley demonstrated two different techniques for hill climbing. Shona’s technique is a high cadence run that she calls “grandma steps” or “Bunny Hops”, and Hayley’s Power Hike matches Shona’s run.

Both Groups often stopped to give tips about the climb, descending and nutrition and hydration—Susannah from AAA Racing and Coaching shared her wisdom about ultra running with the first group.

Groups discussed stretching, cross-training, strength training, plyos/jumps and training programs and having enough recovery between long runs and races.

The groups were well looked after, with regular stops to ensure everyone was hydrated in the heat wave conditions. We bought Zooper-Doopers, Ice for water bottles and bladders, Hammer Fizz, Banana, Melon. We’d like to say a massive thank you to the special volunteers and sweepers who supported the Wild Earth BTU STWC Training Camp. BTU Race Coordinator Cora, with Ultra Running Legend Jodie Oborne and the Bunyabelles. Susannah’s group sweepers with Alec, Kylie and Robyn. In my group I had Hayley Teale, Luke Keddie and Ursula Adams.

The groups stuck together and looked after each other. New friends were made and old catch ups enjoyed.

We ascended the Wild Earth Kokoda Climb and noted where the finish line would be for the new Time Trial Event. We also tested poles and workshopped the best techniques to use them. We also practised “Hands on Quads” power hiking techniques and steep hill climb cadence.

We were so happy to have Red Bull Energy Drink waiting for us at the top of the gruelling climb!!! Massive Smiles from Hayley and Coach Ursula Adams BTU110 2nd place in 2022 who were testing the Sugar Free Acai Berry Purple Red Bull Energy Drink.

We workshopped descending. Runners were taught to enjoy feeling like they were not in control, hold their core and keep going, trust their legs, keep their chest up high and over their hips, and believe be okay because physics will keep them going in the correct direction. I spoke to the group about doing Bulgarian squats, hoping to increase your range of motion and strength for the descents. Heels were for breaking and for stability only. They should not be the first point of contact when running.

By the end of the run, the group was descending like a pro! Nailed IT!

The Speedy Group was 4.5 hours; the Cruisey Group took 5 hours.

We had loads of questions answered. Everything from Celiac Safe Nutrition for those like Race Director who is a celiac, yes Hammer is Safe for Celiacs and why we use it on our course. We spoke about injury prevention and how injuries can always be traced back to poor technique. We spoke about how beneficial it is to get on a bike to help fine-tune our cadence and technique and build strength for the hill climbs. We discussed shoes, heel drops, calf strength - Glute Strength, chafing, correct clothing for the heat, and much more.

We weighed everyone at the start and the finish of the day to ensure they were all correctly hydrated and had a weight loss of 2%; we were highly well-supported on the day. Therefore, hydration wasn’t an issue for the training camp, even in highly humid conditions. If someone’s weight was a little off, we discussed how that could be improved with the correct electrolytes for their next event or training session. We were handing out Hammer Endurolyte Caps to take orally and Fizz to dissolve in water bottles.

We can’t wait for the March Training Camp; if you’d like to join us, SIGN UP and join our community of trail runners and coaches keen to share their knowledge and experiences with you. We SOLD OUT of the February Camp; all the places were full. We anticipate the March, May and June camps will also be at capacity.

Standard entries are now open. Jump on the rego page and sign up to be part of the action and join our growing feel-good BTU community.


Standard Entries Now Open “Sign Up” Wild Earth March Training Camp, Congratulations Australian Expatriate Finance and THE EXPATRIATE.


Early Bird Entry Closes at 11:59 pm TONIGHT. Last Chance to enter the Wild Earth BTU STWC February Training Camp. STWC 🌎 🏆 Launch TOMORROW